Online PR guidelines for ‘print’ people

If you’re interested in content and you’re not a member already, I’d recommend joining the Content Strategy Google group. Many well-known (in content terms, at least!) names pop up regularly on there, contributing to a range of interesting discussions. One such person is Ginny Redish, who recently responded to a query on online media centresContinue reading “Online PR guidelines for ‘print’ people”

‘Universal usability’? What’s that?

I’ve stumbled across* an interesting website called Universal Usability. It’s the (free) online version of ‘Access by Design: A Guide to Universal Usability for Web Designers’, a book by Sarah Horton. Sarah describes universal usability as going ‘one step further’ than accessibility. Not only does it try to make content and functionality accessible to allContinue reading “‘Universal usability’? What’s that?”