Social media: not so shiny anymore

Because I’m a web copywriter, it’s almost an obligation to be involved with social media. It’s one of those things that we should understand and ‘get’. I have profiles on the standard hat trick of networks: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. And I’m starting to get a bit, well, bored. Of (gasp) Twitter in particular.

It’s a bit like a relationship that seems great at first, then gets a bit dull, until finally you realise you’re putting a lot in, but not getting much back. You really thought you would, of course, and you’ve ‘met’ (hey, let’s not forget this is virtual) some really nice people…

But I only use it for business; unless the person’s an extraordinary writer, I really don’t want to know what people are doing right now. I’ve made some interesting contacts, but now I read their blogs, not their Tweets.

I’ve tried to provide useful links for my ‘followers’, which has worked as their number has grown organically and they say nice things to me (yes, that’s certainly one of the good points). But while this helps me to keep up to date with my industry, I spend more time than I’d like searching out these links.

On the plus side (as well as the nice things they say), as a work-from-home freelancer it’s kind of comforting to have this online network available for those little chats you might have over a cuppa in the office.

So, should I stay or should I go? I’m been mulling over this for a little while but am worried that if I call it a day, I’m going to miss out on something. Y’know, something HUGE. But then, nothing very exciting’s happened while I’ve been using Twitter, so why should that change? Oh, what to do.

2 thoughts on “Social media: not so shiny anymore

  1. Hi M,

    Thanks for the comment and sorry for my slow reply! In terms of traffic, you’re absolutely right; Twitter has generated a lot of traffic to my website. But beyond that, not much else. But I’ll take up the Tweeting reigns once more, albeit on a reduced basis, and have some patience.

    Happy New Year to you!


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