How to delete a Facebook group

Want to delete a Facebook group that you created but can’t work out how? Here’s what you need to do – it’s straightforward once you know. Go to the page of the group that you administrate. Click ‘Edit members’ in the left-hand menu. Delete all members until it’s just yourself left in the group. ReturnContinue reading “How to delete a Facebook group”

Useful tools: Delicious

In the second of this (very) occasional series about things I use to help me work, I want to talk about Delicious. It’s been around for a while, and indeed I’ve been using it since I started up as a freelancer. Its staying power can only be a good thing! It’s ideal for keeping trackContinue reading “Useful tools: Delicious”

Social Media Day, Palma – 30 June 2010

Last Wednesday I pottered into lovely Palma de Mallorca to be part of Mashable’s Social Media Day. There’s not a very big local networking scene locally (except for TwittPalma) so I thought I should make the most of it. Of course, it was a Spanish event that also attracted some English speakers like myself. AndContinue reading “Social Media Day, Palma – 30 June 2010”

Learning languages online

As if I needed another distraction, this week I discovered It calls itself a ‘language learning community’ and is basically another social network with a twist: you create a profile for yourself and add details of the languages you’re learning. offers courses in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian at the moment. AsContinue reading “Learning languages online”

Picture it: Flukle

An email popped into my inbox this morning about another social media tool, Flukle. I don’t remember signing up to receive information but that doesn’t mean a thing – there seems to be something new every week. But I digress… With Flukle, you can ‘share where you are, and what you’re doing, in real-time, throughContinue reading “Picture it: Flukle”